About Us
Welcome to the Water and Power Employees’ Retirement, Disability and Death Benefit Insurance Plan (Plan). Your Plan benefits are administered by the Retirement Plan Office under the direction of the Board of Administration (Retirement Board).
Please contact us for any inquiries regarding your benefits.
111 North Hope Street, Room 357
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Friday from 7:00a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Telephone: (213) 367-1712
Email: Retire@ladwp.com
In the 1930’s, the nation was grappling with the effects of the Great Depression. The Social Security Act was passed in 1938 to provide retirement income for employees in the private sector. Public employers, including the Department, also recognized the difficulty of saving enough money to provide an income after retirement or during periods of disability when employees could not work. In response, the Department established the Plan on October 1, 1938 to promote financial security for Department employees and their families.
General Information | (800) 367-7164 (213) 367-1692 |
Membership Section - Contributions / Withdrawals |
(213) 367-1695 |
Disability Benefits - Leaves of Absence (Maternity, Personal, Suspension) |
(213) 367-1680 |
Death Benefits | (213) 367-1721 |
Retirement Benefits - Retirement Counseling |
(213) 367-1715 |
Investment | (213) 367-1905 |